About BCBM

To continue the "Love Your Body" Campaign that was initiated by National Organization for Women, When You Believe Foundation, Inc. (WYBF) launched a platform with the same mission called Body Confident, Beautiful Me: A Love Your Body Campaign. The mission of this Campaign/Blog is for girls and women to always acknowledge their beauty and tell someone she’s beautiful. The goal is for them to know that diversity in our bodies is what makes us beautiful girls and women!

This blog will be the portal about this Campaign and will serve as a medium for girls and women to share their stories with regards to body images, beauty ideals, and things related to self-worth and self-esteem. GIRLS and WOMEN, we highly encourage you to please positively participate in this Campaign in whatever way you can. Share what you LOVE about YOUR BODY, and CELEBRATE your girlhood/womanhood. This blog is for YOU!

The goal of this blog is to Enlighten, Empower, and Entertain.

If you are interested in sharing your stories, poems, songs, art, being a blogger, please send an email to WYBFoundation@gmail.com

This blog/Campaign is sponsored by WYBF. The mission of When You Believe Foundation, Inc. is to do outreach, raise awareness, provide assistance, enhance the lifestyle, promote self-sufficiency, and empower girls and women in all communities. Visit our website for more information about When You Believe Foundation, Inc.

Related websites:
Facebook Page
Facebook Event
WYBF Website