Sunday, October 2, 2011

BELIEVHER: Nisa Misan J. Harper

Nisa Misan J. Harper

Age: Proud 36 years old!

#1. My skin color glows, my skin is beautiful, I used to use Ambi as a young girl on my face, (not just on blemishes, but on my face). Somewhere, somehow, I picked up a message that said "my brown wasn't good enough".  I have since left that message in the trash. My brown is perfect as is!

#2. My lips, my full African lips, they are wide and thick. They look good in lip gloss, they are perfectly mine.

#3. My eyes, they shine, they sparkle, they are expressive, they look even better with the right colors of makeup for my brown skin!

I finally, finally LOVE MY BODY, it took disliking it and trying to change it, for me to figure that out. The days I'm dissatisfied with my body, I verbally affirm myself back to my perfection. I and every other female is perfectly made in our own image. There is no need to mess with PERFECTION! Round, Tan, Brown, Black, Vanilla, Thin, full lips, thin lips, small eyes, green eyes, dark brown eyes, blemishes, big butt, no butt, thin legs, thick frame , rail thin, LOVE THE SKIN AND BODY YOU’RE IN, YOU’RE PERFECT!

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